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the hive

Explore the honey of our existence by visiting the hive. Art events, lectures and information related to the honey bee.

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hive - an exhibition of work at Rogue River Community College, Oregon by artist Melissa Wood, "hive 2:  sweet layers"  May, 2008

hive - news related to honey bees available through links

hive - a recommended reading list about honey bees and honey.

hive - a website awarded by Davis Community Network to educate and inform about honey bees.  (

hive - 1) shelter for a colony of bees in which they make and store honey 2) a place of great activity

Photo at right:  “hive 4”  ©Melissa Wood  2006 12 in. x 6 in. x 5 in.  mixed media

photo credit:  C. Kennard

Honey Bee Die-Off Alarms Beekeepers, Crop Growers, Researchers

American Beekeeping Federation announces: "An alarming die-off of honey bees has beekeepers fighting for commercial survival and crop growers wondering whether bees will be available to pollinate their crops this spring and summer."

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Bees Are AWOL - Talk of the Nation Interview on NPR

Talk of the Nation, March 9, 2007 • Recently in more than 20 states, beekeepers are opening their hives to find the bees gone.

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Local Beekeeper interviewed on KXJZ

You can listen to an interview with Barbara Melrose, local Beekeeper

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"The Secret Life Of Bees" author CPR Interview

Listen to an interview with the author of “The Secret Life of Bees”, Sue Monk Kidd on NPR.

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This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.