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2023 Sept Approved Minutes
DCA Honors 2015 Scholarship Recipients
DCA Scholarship Recipients and their families were honored on May 16, 2015 at a scholarship reception at International House.
Davis Chinese Association Scholarship Application - Due April 1, 2015
Davis Chinese Association offers Scholarships to Davis High School Students.
Davis Chinese Association Annual Fall Potluck - October 18, 2014
DCA Annual Fall Potluck, Membership Meeting and Elections
Hiking at Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve - October 4, 2014
Hiking trip on Saturday October 4, 2014 at Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve.
Minutes September 2020
DHS Speech and Debate Showcase Monday, April 10
Board Seeks Improvements in the Old North "N" Parking District (posted 10-7-18)
In a letter to Davis City Manager Mike Webb dated October 5, 2018, President Marilyn Underwood outlines ONDNA suggestions for ways in which the Old North "N" parking district might be improved. Her letter is reproduced in the right hand-portion of this news item.
Neighbors' Night Out Party at the Hattie Weber, 4-6pm, Sunday, October 15th
As part of the city-wide "Neighbors' Night Out" event, the ONDNA is sponsoring an Old North appetizer gathering at the Hattie Weber, 4 to 6 pm, Sunday, October 15th. Participants are encouraged to bring an appetizer or something to drink. Smooge with old neighbors and meet new ones in the main Hattie Weber room, or, weather permitting, outside on the patio.
Thursday September 17 Zoom Link
2023 Aug 10 Board Meeting
Via Zoom
UC Davis Welcome Week
UCD has announced "12 Fall Welcome Events You Don't Want to Miss"
Great Water-Wise Plants and Water-Saving Garden Advice at Open House and Plant Sale
Earthbench planned as part of compassion campaign
The latest on the Compassion Corner Earthbench project from The Davis Enterprise.
LGBT Equality Organizations Applaud California Senate Passage of Seth’s Law AB 9