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Domestic Partnership Equality Act Passes State Assembly, Moves One Step Closer to Governor's Desk
Agenda March 2019
Minutes September 2019
JUNE 20 ONDNA BOARD MEETING Cancelled.. Draft July agenda included.
Open House and Plant Sale coming up Saturday, October 29th!
DHS Speech and Debate Team places 11th in the State
Kairi Sageshima top Lincoln Douglas debator
Tour de Cluck plant sale and more!
Flyer For Annual Meeting Distributed to Old North Doors
Thursday afternoon, June 7th, Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Board Members distributed a flyer to doors to Old North homes inviting residents and others to the Annual Meeting of the ONDNA.
Agenda, October 18, 2018 ONDNA Board Meeting
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Bret Hewitt to Coordinate ONDNA Traffic Calming Project
At its Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 15, the Board of Directors appointed Old North resident Bret Hewitt as Coordinator of an ONDNA project to promote City action on traffic calming in Old North.
April Board Meeting
ONDNA Board Seeks To Reduce Mass of Proposed 515 G Building (23 July 18)
Participants in the ONDNA Board meeting of July 19 felt the new building proposed for 515 G was too massive and this was in part due to existing parking requirements.
Approved Minutes May 2021
June 10 Board Meeting agenda
Zoom meeting
Monthly PTA Meeting
Announcement of the upcoming Emerson-DaVinci monthly PTA meeting.