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Tickets Available for U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame Induction Dinner
Tickets Available for U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame Induction Dinner
Tool Kit Web Pages
Bev was here 8/15
What else would I add?
New Officers for the club was announced
Congratulations to the new officers for the end of this quarter (training and transitioning) and for the 2008-2009 school year!
Our first meeting of Spring Quarter
Welcome back from Spring break. Hope all of you had a nice and relaxing break. AND our club meeting is this coming Thursday at 6:10pm in Wellman 226. See you there.
Officer Election Ballot Reminder
Elections for the club officers for the end of this quarter and all of next year are happening now! Please vote for your favorite officers for next year. Don't hesitate and act now. The ballot is closed by Thursday, April 3rd at 12:00pm.
Office Election Ballot information
Elections for the club officers for the end of this quarter and all of next year are happening now! We have several candidates for various positions. Please read through the below blurbs on each candidate and make your choice on this online ballot: Please complete this ballot by Thursday, April 3rd at 12:00pm.
Team information about Relay For Life '08
Information about who has signed up for relay for life is now posted as an attachment. If you have further questions about signing up, please e-mail
Red Cross Relay for Life Baskin Robbins Fundraiser
Come help our "friends of Red Cross" Relay for Life team to raise money for cancer research! A copy of flier is pleased to be shown by each individual. (To find the copy of it, please go to "events")
More information about Election
Do you want to know what positions we have in our club? If not, you should totally come in and take a look, maybe there is a position you are interested in too.
Red Cross Club CPR training day
It was a successful training. For more pictures, come in and take a look.
Davis Community Meals Event
This is a great opportunity to serve the local community. You will help in preparing a community meal for the homeless and less fortunate of Davis.
Relay For Life® of UC Davis
Each year, across the nation, one event brings together entire communities to take part in the fight against cancer. That event is the American Cancer Society Relay For Life®. It’s a time and place where people come to celebrate those who have survived cancer, remember those we’ve lost, and fight back against a disease that touches too many lives.
Red Cross Club Elections
Election is started for applying.
Sahaya Gift Card Sale