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Catch the Beat
Isabel Porter provides a succinct philosophy of life in poetry.
West Nile Virus 8/06
This is a poem mourning the effects of the West Nile Virus.
Orb Spider
Judy Moores poem about downtown Davis wildlife
West Nile Virus 8/06
West Nile virus impacts the sounds usually heard
Waiting Owls
Owls await the fate of development by Judy Moores
Bears In Davis
Networking knitters spread joy with their bears.
Eighth Annual Celebration of Abraham
The Eighth Annual Celebration of Abraham will focus its discussion on “Moving Beyond Victimhood”.
The Davis Hello!
Casey Powers finds a way to spread cheer in Davis with a younger friend.
Jill Brooks describes Asbill Court, an area that used to be between First and Second Streets.
John Eisele was surprised to find Snowy Plovers nesting in the Yolo Basin Wildlife Area
East Davis School (Valley Oak) 1955 to 1960
Jobyna Kingsbury-Gankin tells of the family-like atmosphere at Valley Oak School.
Strange Thanksgiving Bird Visitors
Jean Jackman tells of how pelicans flocked to the North Area Pond Thanksgiving of 2003.
Strelitzia Flower Company -- “Home Grown and Still Growing!”
Janice Labadie relates the 36 year history, with trials and tribulations, of Strelitzia Flower Company.
A Modern Day Brigadoon
Rosene Cronic thinks Alice in Wonderful would enjoy living in Davis because of the Brigadoon like attributes.
Lily Nisen
Annie Nisen relates the triumphs and tragedy of her daughter Lily’s short life