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Davis In Autumn
Krystal L. shares a story about Davis spirit.
Sobre Aquamonsters
Brittany Steenbergen shares a story about a swimming contest.
All About Davis
Emilia Sloane shares a poem about Davis.
Another Davis Poem
Camilla Jensen shares a poem about Davis.
Davis my Home
Jane Seo shares what’s great about Davis.
Lucas Solomon tells how much he loves Walnuts.
The Bike Bridge
Alyssa Vallero shares a poem about Davis.
Jonathan Kalinen shares a story about casting for Pinocchio.
Naomi Miyamoto shares a story about how her family adopted a new kitten.
Torrey F. tells a story about some scary shadows.
Hannah T tells a story about seasonal weather patterns.
The Drawing Contest
Alyssa L. shares a story about winning a drawing contest.
David the Beautiful
Mikaela M. shares a poem about Davis.
A place I call home
Kylie Thompson shares a poem about Davis.
Biking in Davis
Gabriel H. tells us about biking in Davis.