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Benjamin Jewell tells a story about fencing.
Picnic Day
Alexandra D. relates a fun experience with Jamba Juice.
Ryan Kreidler shares a story of a death defying bicycle stunt.
Brooke Doten shares a bicycling story.
Growing up in Davis
Ting Ting P. shares a humorous story from early childhood.
Crazy Black Squirrel
Bryce Gregg relates a story about his crazy black squirrel.
My Story about Davis, California, my Hometown
Kate Thompson shares her favorite Davis experiences.
Levi Leipheimer to speak at U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame Induction
Levi Leipheimer to speak at U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame Induction
Central Park Gardens Open House October 1st!
Kari was here
Kari's musings
Assignment, Week of 8/11
SimpleSite Learning Activity for Week
Introduce yourself! 9/15/08
Assignment #1 for technical liaisons meeting, 9/15/08.
Vicki Suter's Intro
A post introducing Vicki Suter, a member of the DCN Nonprofit Internet Toolkit pilot project.
Bev was here again
I think I'm here
Kari's musings