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Buddy Days Final Schedule

Final Buddy Days for this 2016/17 school year.

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2017 Davis Chinese Association Scholarship Application Now Available

DCA Scholarship Applications due on April 17, 2017 by 4:00pm to Julie Clayton at the Davis Senior High School Scholarship Office.

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Tickets on Sale & Volunteers Needed!

Davis Enterprise Story, Nov. 20, 2016

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Debate Tournament in Davis Saturday, December 10, 2016

DHS is hosting a debate tournament Saturday, December 10, 2016. This will be an all-day event, and it is our opportunity to showcase DHS hospitality. DHS Speech and Debate Boosters will be responsible for providing food and drinks for the judges and coaches. We will also be running a snack bar (breakfast, lunch, and snacks) for the students. Please help us make this a great event!

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Parent meeting

Thanks to everyone who attended the speech and debate parent meeting on Back to School Night

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Welcome to the 2016-17 school year

Welcome to the 2016-17 school year

The team's first debate tournament was September 17. We had a great turnout. Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to the parents who drove students and judged the competition. The first speech tournament will be Saturday, October 8.

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DHS Speech and Debate Team places 11th in the State

DHS Speech and Debate Team places 11th in the State

Kairi Sageshima top Lincoln Douglas debator

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2022 Diwali Celebration

2022 Diwali Celebration

IAD Diwali Celebration on Sunday, October 23, 2022 at 5pm

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