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How to Make a Bottle Brick for the Compassion Corner Earthbench

How to Make a Bottle Brick for the Compassion Corner Earthbench

Learn how you too can contribute to the Earthbench at the Compassion Corner by making a bottle brick

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Earthbench planned as part of compassion campaign

The latest on the Compassion Corner Earthbench project from The Davis Enterprise.

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Davis City Council Approves Compassion Earthbench

The mayor and city council members accept the Compassion Earthbench as a gift to the city.

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Palestinians Salute the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) for its Endorsement of the Academic Boycott of Israel

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) salutes the Association for Asian American Studies (AAAS) in the United States for its principled support for the cause of justice in Palestine by adopting, at its annual meeting in Seattle on 20 April 2013, a resolution supporting the boycott of Israeli academic institutions and in solidarity with the world-wide movement responding to this call from Palestinian civil society.

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VIDEO: The Origins of the Compassion Corner

VIDEO: The Origins of the Compassion Corner

See David H. Breaux's story of how the Compassion Corner began.

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VIDEO: The Art of Mark Rivera, Reknowned Davis Mosaic Artist

VIDEO: The Art of Mark Rivera, Reknowned Davis Mosaic Artist

Here's a short clip with Mark Rivera explaining the art he creates in Davis, California.

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VIDEO: Brennan Bird explains Earthbenches and the Peace on Earthbench Movement (POEM)

Watch Brennan Bird's interview with Gopi Kallayil explaining bottle bricks, Earthbenches, and his non-profit organization Peace on Earthbench Movement (POEM).

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Brennan Bird's/POEM's Past, Current, and Proposed Projects.

Check out what Brennan has done and will be doing with communities worldwide.

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Yolo County CASA: a progress report

November 2012 - On behalf of Yolo County CASA I am proud to share with the Yolo County community a report on our progress. We have been working very hard to ensure that our focus is on providing the best possible support to our advocates as they provide such wonderful compassionate care to the children they serve.

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