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Log in to our GoogleApps site 9/15/08

Assignment # 3 is to log in to the DCN GoogleApps site by the 9/15/08 technical liaisons meeting.

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Introduce yourself! 9/15/08

Assignment #1 for technical liaisons meeting, 9/15/08.

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Assignment, Week of 8/11

SimpleSite Learning Activity for Week

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Bev was here 8/15

What else would I add?

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Bev was here 8/15

What else would I add?

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Vicki was here 8/15

Vicki was here 8/15

Completion of week 8/11 assignment

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Little College Town by Dave Nachmanoff

Little College Town by Dave Nachmanoff

Dave Nachmanoff sings about Davis in the summer

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George's Corner by Dave Nachmanoff

George's Corner by Dave Nachmanoff

Dave Nachmanoff's song about a man who has devote himself to beautifying the corner of 2nd and L Streets

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Moon’s Beneath the Lion by Norm Milstein

Norm Milstein wrote this song about the field on Pole Line adjacent to where the Hunt’s Cannery used to be. He walked there with his dog for several nights while a sweet crescent moon curved beneath the constellation Leo.

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