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Romance Develops at Davis Pickers and Singers

Romance Develops at Davis Pickers and Singers

Wendy Silk tells of swine songs that precipitated a romance.

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The Cat That Chased Dogs

Sally Sobattka's story about her "guard cat"

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The Davis Hello!

Casey Powers finds a way to spread cheer in Davis with a younger friend.

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Lily Nisen

Annie Nisen relates the triumphs and tragedy of her daughter Lily’s short life

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An Army of Unemployed Camp in Davis

An Army of Unemployed Camp in Davis

John Lofland tels how 2000 hungry people came and demanded food

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Sounding the Fire Alarm

Sounding the Fire Alarm

John Lofland relates the workings and problems with an early fire alarm

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Strelitzia Flower Company -- “Home Grown and Still Growing!”

Janice Labadie relates the 36 year history, with trials and tribulations, of Strelitzia Flower Company.

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How I arrived in Davis

How I arrived in Davis

Jobyna Kingsbury-Gankin came to teach in Davis but there was no place to live.

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I Was a Rosie the Riviter

Eva Mae Hatton’s coming to Davis story was related to her World War II work ending.

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Biking Buddy

Jean Jackman finds an 81 year young biking friend

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Growing an Idea

Growing an Idea

Anne Hance's recollections of the founding of the Explorit Science Center

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Before St. Martin’s

Before St. Martin’s

Vera Fontaine relates a humorous story of what happened when she played the organ at Episcopal Church service when it met in the Varsity Theater.

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East Davis School (Valley Oak) 1955 to 1960

East Davis School (Valley Oak) 1955 to 1960

Jobyna Kingsbury-Gankin tells of the family-like atmosphere at Valley Oak School.

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Folk Music Jam Sessions In the UC Davis Arboretum

Folk Music Jam Sessions In the UC Davis Arboretum

Elaine Fingerett tells how folk jam sessions at the Arboretum got started.

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John Eisele was surprised to find Snowy Plovers nesting in the Yolo Basin Wildlife Area

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