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Honey Bee Die-Off Alarms Beekeepers, Crop Growers, Researchers

American Beekeeping Federation announces: "An alarming die-off of honey bees has beekeepers fighting for commercial survival and crop growers wondering whether bees will be available to pollinate their crops this spring and summer."

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Bees Are AWOL - Talk of the Nation Interview on NPR

Talk of the Nation, March 9, 2007 • Recently in more than 20 states, beekeepers are opening their hives to find the bees gone.

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Davis City Planning History Published

"Davis City Planning 1925-2006" published on the Old North Davis History website.

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Davis City Planning History Published

"Davis City Planning 1925-2006" published on the Old North Davis History website.

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Anderson Building Project EIR Published

Anderson Building Window Project EIR Published

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Power League Tournament #1

Results from Power League Tournament February 24-25

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President's Day Tournament Results

Summaries of Power League Teams' Weekend

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2007 Power League Qualifier

18, 16, 15, and 14 Power League Teams

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Non-League #3 Results

12s Team has their first tournament of the season

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Three New Studies Published by the Davis Historical Society

Three New Studies Published by the Davis Historical Society

The Davis Historical Society (DHS) announces publication of three new empirical studies in its Papers on Davis History Series. In announcing this event, DHS Publications Committee Chair Lyn H. Lofland expressed her pleasure in being able to bring to the people of Davis new information on key aspects of the history of the Davis community.

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Three New Studies Published by the DHS

Go to the url below for three new fantastic studies

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