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515 G St. Proposed for Demolition & Replacment

515 G St. Proposed for Demolition & Replacment

At the ONDNA Board meeting on July 19, the Board and members will consider renderings for a new building at 515 G Street. Ted DeFazio of Ellington Properties has distributed three drawings of the project to the Board with the letter reproduced in this news item.

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Flyer For Annual Meeting Distributed to Old North Doors

Flyer For Annual Meeting Distributed to Old North Doors

Thursday afternoon, June 7th, Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Board Members distributed a flyer to doors to Old North homes inviting residents and others to the Annual Meeting of the ONDNA.

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New Old North Street Signs Installed

New Old North Street Signs Installed

Thursday, January 25th, a City of Davis Public Works crew installed the "new style" Old North street signs

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LaBlanc & City Prevail In Appeal Decision on Parking At 717 7th Street

LaBlanc & City Prevail In Appeal Decision on Parking At 717 7th Street

The Davis Enterprise has published the news that the 3rd District of California Court of Appeal has ruled in favor of the City and Catherine LeBlanc in a case regarding parking brought by Michael Harrington, LaBlanc’s next door neighbor. Details are in the accompanying story.

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Agenda for the October 19 ONDNA Board Meeting

Agenda for the October 19 ONDNA Board Meeting

Topics to be addressed include neighborhood traffic calming and possible reuse of the soon-to-be replaced Old North street signs.

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Old North Davis “Night Out” Party A Festive Affair, report by John Lofland

Old North Davis “Night Out” Party A Festive Affair, report by John Lofland

Two dozen or so Old North neighbors gathered at the Hattie Weber Museum Sunday afternoon, October 15 for a festive appetizer potluck social. The snapshot shows ONDNA President Marilyn Underwood welcoming party-goers

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Traffic Calming Reported on in Latest BTSS Commission Minutes

Traffic Calming Reported on in Latest BTSS Commission Minutes

Traffic calming is reported on in the Minutes of the July 13, 2017 meeting of the Bicycling, Transportation and Street Safety Commission that were released September 28 as part of the City Council October 3 Agenda Packet.

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DHS Homecoming Parade Oct 13, 1:00pm

DHS Homecoming Parade Oct 13, 1:00pm

The annual Davis Senior High School homecoming parade will make its usual way through Old North Friday, October 13 in the early afternoon. As charted on the graphic accompanying this story, the parade will proceed north up C Street, left on 6th, and then north on B.

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Neighbors' Night Out Party at the Hattie Weber, 4-6pm, Sunday, October 15th

Neighbors' Night Out Party at the Hattie Weber, 4-6pm, Sunday, October 15th

As part of the city-wide "Neighbors' Night Out" event, the ONDNA is sponsoring an Old North appetizer gathering at the Hattie Weber, 4 to 6 pm, Sunday, October 15th. Participants are encouraged to bring an appetizer or something to drink. Smooge with old neighbors and meet new ones in the main Hattie Weber room, or, weather permitting, outside on the patio.

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ONDNA September 21 Meeting

ONDNA September 21 Meeting

Engage with the neighborhood--join us at our upcoming meeting.

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UC Davis Welcome Week

UC Davis Welcome Week

UCD has announced "12 Fall Welcome Events You Don't Want to Miss"

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ONDNA Letter to the City of Davis Planning Commission re: Trackside Project

ONDNA Letter to the City of Davis Planning Commission re: Trackside Project

The ONDNA submits a letter to the Planning Commission for consideration at its August 23, 2017 meeting.

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First Meeting of the New ONDNA Year, Thursday, July 20th

First Meeting of the New ONDNA Year, Thursday,  July 20th

The Annual Meeting of the ONDNA in June of each year features an election of Board members and the bylaws also call for a fresh look at what the Association has done in the past year and what it ought to focus on in the next year.

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City Official Reports There Are Plans to Demolish the Newman Center Church

City Official Reports There Are Plans to Demolish the Newman Center Church

At the meeting of the City's Historical Commission on May 15, a City of Davis official reported his understanding that there are plans to demolish the Newman Center church.

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Bret Hewitt to Coordinate ONDNA Traffic Calming Project

Bret Hewitt to Coordinate ONDNA Traffic Calming Project

At its Annual Meeting on Thursday, June 15, the Board of Directors appointed Old North resident Bret Hewitt as Coordinator of an ONDNA project to promote City action on traffic calming in Old North.

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