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Youth Mission Trips

Sierra Service Projects

Summer 2012


Summer 2011

When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required.” Luke 12:48. The youth ministry from The United Methodist Church of Davis had the privilege to work with Sierra Service Project in South Los Angeles from July 17th -July 23rd ,2012. The youth who represented Davis UMC were Ricky Pacciorini, Hope Harvey, Carolina Sturla, Hannah Tutt, Douglas Layson, and Emma Finklang. And what a fantastic job they did! Our youth were divided into 5 teams with youth from two other California churches and they worked hard all week on projects that included painting, flooring, and ramp construction. We were entrusted by members of the community who were impoverished and needed to have their homes renovated for safety reasons. On Wednesday, July 20th, the entire program took a day away from our work sites to offer water and a listening ear to residents of Skid Row. We heard some amazing, heartbreaking and inspiring stories that will forever stay with all of us.

Our youth also participate in individual mission trips


Seeds of Learning Trips


get discussion from Noah and pictures

United Methodist Vim Trips



This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.