On November 20, 1989, the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Children (CRC) – an international treaty recognizing children are not possessions, but people who have human rights. For UNICEF, the CRC is an important tool to help ensure that governments support, protect and listen to children. This week there are various actions you can take to support UNICEF in its effort of putting children first:
Begin by learning more about child rights. If you are a teacher or a parent interested in learning how to speak about child rights to your children, we welcome you to attend our TeachUNICEF webinar on November 17 at 5 PM EST where we will present unique free resources you can use in the classroom or at home. Sign up today.
We also want to hear your feedback about TeachUNICEF, whether or not you are part of the TeachUNICEF community. Please fill out a short anonymous questionnaire by November 22.