"How to Pay for College" or "The Price of Privilege" - MORE INFO
If you were unable to attend these events, you will find links here for additional information.
The DSHS PTA recently hosted a program on "How to Pay for College". If you were unable to attend the College Funding Presentation by Beatrice Schultz, CFP, you can find her information on her website, at www.WestfaceCollegePlanning.com. You can also contact her directly at bschultz@westfacecollegeplanning.com or 650-587-1559. Due to the interest in her presentation, the PTA is planning to ask Beatrice to return next year to present again.
Davis Parent University hosted a program featuring Madeline Levine , PhD author of New York Times' Best Sellers " The Price of Privilege" and newest release" Teach Your Children Well". If you were unable to make this event, the presentation was taped and will be available to view by February 28th (along with past parent university lectures) at http://dctv.davismedia.org/dpu-home. You can also go to Facebook under “Davis Parent University,” to get the latest on Parent Education events and tools.