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Communication Channels Summary

Feeling out of the loop? Your communication options are vast and fabulous.


Communication between home and school is of prime importance. Information regarding classes, policies, activities, testing, student performances and other announcements is essential to healthy participation in our DHS community. PTA has developed a number of communication avenues that fit the need for our parents to gain this essential information. We have developed through time and technology a system that allows parents to participate in the gathering of information whatever their need or comfort level.

  1. NEWSLETTER - Provided in both an online format with a print at home option or by mail. Announcements, artilcles, dates and details are submitted to our editor ( and the newsletter is produced monthly. If you are accessing your newsletter online but still receiving one by mail please let us know. The PTA expense for producing the newsletter has been more than halved by reducing the number of hard copies mailed each month. Currently approximately 70% of our parents receive the newsletter electronically.

  2. PTA LISTSERVER - For families currently affiliated with DHS to receive  SCHOOLWIDE ANNOUNCEMENTS from the high school, the District, and PTA, including the monthly newsletters. This listserver is ideal for parents who want the essential information and not heavy email traffic.
  3. PTA-SPONSORED PARENT/GUARDIAN LISTSERVERS - Also known as "Class Listservers," these are for parents and guardians of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes. We add one for incoming 10th grade parents/guardians the winter prior to their transfer to help ease the transition into high school. These listservers are designed to meet the needs of each specific year. (Senior class perhaps does not need information about junior prom!) The listservers meet the needs of our parents/guardians and DHS communication in three different ways.
    • Community Building and Mutual Support. As an unmoderated listserver, it serves as a digital gathering place where parents can share ideas, experiences, and seek answers to common questions. This aspect of the listserver functions as an extension of the Survival Guide but in real time.
    • Student Communication. The listserver helps our students with their year-specific events throughout the year. With the assistance of the listserv administrator  students are able to place announcements and recruit volunteers for events such as Homecoming and class-sponsored dances.

    • DHS Administration. This allows the DHS to communicate with a specific year of parents/guardians, especially when time is of the essence. Administrators can reach out for volunteers for such needs as proctoring of exams, registration packet stuffing etc.

  4. DIRECT LINK FOR ARCHIVED COUNSELOR Q&A - All counselor responses are archived and available by opening the DHS PTA home page and under "DHS Info" click on "Counseling Q&A". This allows parents who only want the counselor information to have access to this information without the other class listserver functions.

  5. DAILY BULLETINS- Daily Bulletins are made up of school-related announcements intended for students. They are compiled by the high school, not PTA. They are broadcast via the PA system, read or posted in class, they are also posted at the school's office, library and website. Students are encouraged to be resourceful and to keep themselves informed.

    Parents often find the Daily Bulletins informative too. To receive them directly via email, please fill out a simple form (click here) to sign up for the Daily Bulletin Listserver. The DHS secretary  sends it out in the afternoon of the preceding school day.

  6. OTHER SOURCES OF INFORMATION - Booster clubs often have their own website, listserver and newsletter (see "Boosters & Support").  The student produced "HUB" newspaper is available in the school library. (contact the HUB teacher, Ms. Kelly Wilkerson, if you want to subscribe) The Davis Enterprise newspaper is another source.