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Prez sez . . . . . .

Thanks to all the club members their families and guests that attended our annual dinner last month.  Without your help it would not have been the huge success we enjoyed.  The Annual Dinner is our big fund raiser each year and we rely on your generous participation to help with our operation expenses.   I am pleased to announce we can continue another year.

I would also like to thank the members (you know who you are) that worked on the myriad committees that is necessary to plan and pull off an event like ours.  Many hours of individual work and a lot of teamwork were required and it really paid off this year.  I think it was the best ever annual dinner I have attended.

A special thank you to Paul Berliner for providing a very entertaining and extremely professional digital slide show.  As always a big thank you to Steve Ohrwall for his humorous and skillful manipulation of the audience in squeezing the last nickel from them to make our raffle the most successful yet.  Last but not least a huge thanks to Bill and Marilyn of Kiene's Fly Shop for their generous support.

2009 is going to be a great year, the economy not withstanding, so let's go fishing.

Tom Burton - President