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E-Mail Newsletter Resource

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Links to good resources on creating e-mail newsletters
Premailer does the nasty work of converting good HTML to the awful dialect used by common e-mail clients.
Surviving Inbox Congestion
Jakob Nielsen's classic article on newsletter design usability.
Best Practices in Writing Email Subject Lines
Comparisons of good and bad subject lines — from Mailchimp.
Images in Email and E-Newsletters: Dos and Don’ts
Be careful with images in newsletters.
Email Newsletters Pick Up Where Websites Leave Off
Another excellent Nielsen article, this on on the Subscribe/Unsubscribe Process and the importance of presonalization in newsletters.
How To Code HTML Emails
How HTML email works, basic concepts, best practices, tips and tricks.
Email Client Statistics
Take this with a healthy dose of skepticism. I suspect that webmail clients are far more prominent, but there are no good statistics.

This How-to applies to: Any version.