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My 10th Birthday Party
Gwen Wonhof shares the story of her 10th birthday party.
UC Davis
Zainub B. tells about biking to UC Davis.
My Favorite Teacher
Taylor Kitchen shares a story about a teacher.
Racha Elsbach shares a story about a fun Saturday with her friend Nicholas.
Davis the Pricey Town
Sidra B. relates a humorous poem about the Davis economics.
A poem
Quinn H. shares a poem about the pitfalls of writing.
Davis ?
Nina Langley shares why she likes Davis.
I Love Davis
Noah Longshore tells a story about his hockey team.
Benjamin Jewell tells a story about fencing.
Picnic Day
Alexandra D. relates a fun experience with Jamba Juice.
Ryan Kreidler shares a story of a death defying bicycle stunt.
Brooke Doten shares a bicycling story.
Growing up in Davis
Ting Ting P. shares a humorous story from early childhood.
Crazy Black Squirrel
Bryce Gregg relates a story about his crazy black squirrel.
My Story about Davis, California, my Hometown
Kate Thompson shares her favorite Davis experiences.