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New York Times Report on the Dwindling of City Street Trees in America (3-6-19)

New York Times Report on the Dwindling of City Street Trees in America (3-6-19)

In a March 3rd article, the New York Times reports on “suburban towns, facing expensive upkeep, remove towering sidewalk trees.” Because we seem to be seeing similar problems in Davis, Old North News readers might find this report on an apparent national trend of interest. Posted by John Lofland

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Updating Information on the N-Parking District (11-24-18)

Updating Information on the N-Parking District (11-24-18)

At the last Board meeting, Public Works Director Bob Clarke's acceptance of the ONDNA offer to detail needed changes in the N-Parking District was reported and the Board began to move ahead on that project.

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Homage to Hibbert Lumber Appearing in the Davis Enterprise (11-16-18)

Homage to Hibbert Lumber Appearing in the Davis Enterprise (11-16-18)

In the Davis Enterprise of November 16, 2018, Davis resident Mark Rollins publishes a truly moving homage to the soon-to-change Hibbert Lumber located along the tracks between 5th and 6th streets.

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City Response to ONDNA Letter Regarding N District Improvements (11-16-18)

City Response to ONDNA Letter Regarding N District Improvements (11-16-18)

Dated October 5, 2108, the ONDNA Board sent the City a letter suggesting certain improvements in the N District and other Old North street matters. That letter appears here as Old North New items posted 10-7-18. The Board has now received a response from the City (Robert Clarke, Director of Public Works, specifically) and it is reproduced in this news item.

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McCarthy-Meyer Policy Paper on ONDNA Listserv(s) (11-16-18)

McCarthy-Meyer Policy Paper on ONDNA Listserv(s) (11-16-18)

As part of a 2016 ONDNA Board discussion on communication and outreach, Board members Molly McCarthy and John Meyer wrote a background paper on the ONDNA listservs.

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"Don't Let Our Urban Forest Die Off," Op-ed from the Davis Enterprise (11-16-18)

"Don't Let Our Urban Forest Die Off," Op-ed from the Davis Enterprise (11-16-18)

Following on from the New York Times op-ed promoting urban forests posted in ONDNA News today, we now also have a strong statement supporting our own Davis urban forest appearing in the November 16th, 2018 issue of the Davis Enterprise.

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"More Trees, Happier People," A New York Times Op-ed (11-16-18)

"More Trees, Happier People," A New York Times Op-ed (11-16-18)

The New York Times recently carried an op-ed by Margaret Renki providing data to support the view that trees in urban areas increase the happiness of the people who live with and around them.

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