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September 23, 2021 ONDNA Agenda


Old North Davis Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Via Zoom 6:00 􏰀 7:00 p.m.

6:00 A. Review and Approval of Agenda

(items may be added to the agenda for initial discussion; however, no decisions can be made at this meeting for items added in this manner)

B. Introductions/Announcements
1. Welcome, updates and check-in with each board member and guests as time allows

C. Approval of Minutes: Meeting of June 10, 2021 (G. Frantz)

D. Treasurer’s Report 􏰁S. Tracy􏰂

E. Neighborhood Project(s)
1. 626 B Street: status of planning and building permits

F. Maintenance of New Street Trees Over Summer (Tony Martin)

G. D and E Street Reconstruction and Striping
1. crosswalks painted across F Street
2. 4-way stop at D & 6th Streets: Safety Commission in October

H. Neighbors Night Out: Sunday, October 17: Participate? If so, volunteers to coordinate

I. Police Department Community Advisory Board and Human Relations Commission (A. Willson) a. Parking enforcement?

J. Preservation of Works Progress Administration (WPA) markings: report submitted

K. Next election cycle: positions open: Meyer, Tracy, Welch, and ?

  1. Confirm open positions

  2. Decide on election/annual meeting

  3. Selection of Nominations Committee

L. Ways to enhance website, website administration
M. Lyda William Garden
N. Pending/other: roster/phone tree, additional 4-way stops (6th and C and E), other? O. Next Meeting, Thursday, October 21 (or modify due to Neighbors’ Night Out)

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.