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Blood Drives (January 13 & January 14)

Blood Drives (January 13 & January 14)

Hey again guys!
Hope everyone's finals went well and the holidays are relaxing. I wanted to remind everyone that we have an upcoming blood drive which will take place BEFORE the first meeting of the Winter quarter. To sign up for this event please email me directly and indicate which day and time(s) you can work along with your phone number. If you would prefer to work in a certain area that's fine, please indicate that as well. 
This blood drive usually has the least amount of volunteers which makes it that much more difficult to get the  drive done efficiently so if we can get as many people as possible it would really look good for the club. 
Also this quarter usually has the LEAST amount of volunteer opportunities so you should think about volunteering early and getting it done before there are no more events to work. 
The hours of the drive are as usual: 10am to 6pm with the 10am people getting there 5-10 minutes early to get trained and situated. Please sign up for blocks of 2 hour shifts so there is less traffic and turn around of volunteers at the drive. And remember: if you cannot volunteer but you DONATE blood, it counts for one hour of volunteering so make sure you find me or MARSHA (bloodsource rep) at the drive to let us know you donated!
Thanks to all the volunteers and hope to see you at the drive. 
Ryann Heasley
ARCC Secretary 


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