January Blood Drive
I know t's still early and all of our brains are focused on finals
but the blood drives are our big volunteering events each quarter and
in Winter quarter, the drive will be before the first general meeting.
I wanted to let everyone know the dates of the blood drive are
January13th and 14th which is a Tues/Wed. I am starting a sign-up sheet
NOW and if you want to signup the event hours are 10am-6pm. please sign
up in 2 hour shifts because any less created too much turnover and
confusion. I will be taking emails all through break and reminding all
of you again when finals are over when you can think a little further
in advance.
I am attahing a blank sign-up spreadsheet. Please sign up in
all of the categories on the spreadsheet and reaatach the spreadsheeet
to your reply to make it A LOT easier on me. I NEED your shift and name
and phone #. If you have worked a drive before and know what job you
want to do (refreshments, pre-reg, fliering etc) please feel free to
sign-up for that as well. If you don't know/don't care where or what
you do just indicate and I will put you in somewhere. So you know,
signing up for one job DOES NOT mean you will automatically get it but
I will try.
Last drive we had so many volunteers we ended up getting in
eah others way so I will be limiting the volunteering this drive but
hopefully I can work it out so I find a job for everyone!
Hope everyone has a good finals week and a great holiday
Ryann Heasley
ARCC Secretary