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Winter Quarter 1st Meeting

1st Meeting for Winter Quarter is on Jan 15 (Thursday) from 6-7 PM at Olson 6. T-shirts/Sweatshirts and certification cards will be handed out.

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a relaxing winter break. The first red cross meeting of winter quarter will be at the following location and time:

Date: January 15, 2009 (Thursday)
Time: 6:10-7:00 p.m.
Location: Olson 6

We will be handing out T-shirts/ Sweatshirts and certification cards. In addition, we have a lot of exciting events and activities planned!

I also wanted to encourage everyone to volunteer at the Blood Drives (January 13 & January 14). Sign up by e-mailing Ryann at!

We hope to see you at our first general meeting!

Happy New Year!
- Your Red Cross Officers


This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.