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Action Alert: July 11, 2008


Although neither Rep. Doris Matsui nor Rep. Dan Lungren have signed on to HCR 362, which would allow a U.S. naval blockade of Iran, neither has voiced their opposition.  Call and ask them to speak up now against HCR 362 and ANY U.S. agression against Iran:  202-224-3121. 

Unfortunatley, Rep. Mike Thompson did sign on.  Call and ask him to follow the example of Rep. Lacy Clay (Missouri) and remove his name: 202-224-3121.

A demonstration is scheduled for Saturday, July 26, 2008, from 5-7pm:

Hands Off Iran, End the U.S. Occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan

Bring signs, friends, family!

16th & Broadway

Info: , 916-448-7157