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Sierra Club Seniors

A Sierra Club Activities Section. We have many different outings, from docent-led museum and gallery tours to challenging Sierra hikes.







Flora Lake Hike 8/13/14We're glad you found us. Come join us!  The Sierra Club Seniors is one of the outings sections of the Mother Lode Chapter of the Sierra Club. 

We welcome all seniors who are interested in conservation and wish to participate in the activities listed in our schedule.  You do not need to be a senior or a member of the Sierra Club to attend one of our activities. We do not limit our activities to Sierra Club members, but strongly encourage you to join the Sierra Club.

Check our monthly listings for information about our activities. 


Visit our new Facebook Page for group news, comments and sharing of relevant news.  Join the group, and share with other Sierra Club Seniors!

We also have a website that is hosted by the Sierra Club.  Click here to see!


Leadership Training

Do you want to be a leader for the Sierra Club Seniors?  It’s fun and rewarding but it takes some learning, some experience, and there are requirements to be met.  One requirement is the Sierra Club Leadership Training Class, which involves about 6 – 8 hours either on a Saturday or on two weekday nights.  Others include Sierra Club membership, a current First Aid certification and a number of co-leads.  For information call Ingrid Bruckner, 916.383.6457


About Sierra Club Outings

It is recommended that you visit this web site, or call the leader during the week of the activity to verify that no changes have been made due to unforeseen events.

  • If you need additional information about any of the listed activities, call one of the leaders between 9:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. Remember we are all volunteers so please be considerate and patient if we don't get right back to you. 
  • All activities  - follow the instructions of the leader. Please don't come unless you intend to stay with the group. 
  • No smoking is allowed on our activities. 
  • Please be sure you are in adequate physical condition to undertake the activity you choose. If you are unsure of the difficulty of the trip or your abilities, check with the leader before you decide to go. 
  • For hikes and day activities, bring lunch, water and essentials as well as $ for your driver. 
  • Wear boots or sturdy shoes. Be sure to break in hiking boots 3-4 hours on short walks before hiking. 
  • Dogs are generally not allowed on Senior outings. 
  • See list Essentials for Hiking on additional pages listed at left. 

About the Sierra Club

 John Muir founded the Sierra Club in 1892, wanting others to share his love of earth and all of nature.  He knew if people learned how to explore, enjoy and value the wild lands that are their heritage, they would also work together to preserve this legacy. The Sierra Club is now the nation’s largest and strongest group dedicated to conserving and protecting all the environment around us, whether in the cities or in the wilderness. The Club’s goal is a world that allows all life forms to live and prosper, and in which we act responsibly to respect the rights of all living things.

The Mother Lode Chapter, serving Northern California, offers outings, programs and conservation action. Outings and other activities, including those of the Sierra Club Seniors, are listed online at The Chapter’s newsletter, the Bonanza, lists additional information about issues of interest to members.

please click on additional pages (left, above) for more information


This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.