Art in the Gardens
Flutter and Hum by Mark Rivera |
This beautiful, custom-made, ceramic
mosaic sculpture is the focal point
of the Rose and Flower Garden. The sculpture was designed to support garden educational goals and uses hand-sculpted tiles to depict native hummingbirds and butterflies visiting garden plants. The three plants represented on the sculpture were chosen for their value as nectar or larval food sources for butterflies and hummingbirds and for their ability to thrive in Davis gardens. The three featured plants also grow in the surrounding flower beds.
• Purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea) and the buckeye butterfly • California pipevine (Aristolochia californica) and the pipevine swallowtail butterfly • Western columbine (Aquilegia formosa) and the Anna’s hummingbird |
South Kiosk by Briggs and Co. |
This kiosk is one of a pair that are both utilitarian and
whimsical. The front of the kiosk has an information window and a brochure holder that contains our Central Park Gardens brochure as well as flyers for various plant-related events. The back of the kiosk features a lovely metal silhouette that depicts birds and butterflies in the Rose and Flower garden. The kiosk is made of steel and has a natural rust finish. |
Cnawan Stone by Sandra Shannonhouse |
This sculpture is the focal point of the Sensory Garden and
features a large basalt column engraved with petroglyphs atop which resides a circle of bronze dancing women. The word "cnawan" is an Old English word that means "to know". Shannonhouse weighs in on the piece: "The sculpture is designed to be in a public herb garden setting and the images on the stone reference transformation myths, and of course herbs also relate to transformation myths." Surrounding the sculpture are stone seatwalls with planting beds containing fragrant, edible and tactile plants, including many herbs. |
Rick's Spot by Jane & Robert Edberg, Bill
Melton, and Barry Kulmann |
This fanciful bench is made from bronze, wood, and iron and is dedicated to the memory of Richard Blanchard. The form of the bench mimics a wheelchair. The bronze plaque at the base of the bench features a facial profile of Rick and depictions of a chili pepper and a musical note. |
Celestial Sundial by Angela Ridgway |
This beautiful sundial, located in the Meadow, is made from welded metal and features a night and day theme. It has a tilted face, unlike typical sundials where the face is parallel to the ground. The time has been set to Pacific Standard Time, which means that during Pacific Daylight Time, the shadow will be an hour ahead. |
Mediation by Donna Billick |
This terrazzo sculpture is dedicated to Thomas H. Frankel, a mediator for Yolo County, for his many years of service. It depicts a pair of hands in a protective form, suggesting conflict resolution. On the other hand, another interpretation could be that of a gardener (with a green thumb!) protecting and nurturing the plants under their care. |
North Kiosk by Briggs and Co. |
This kiosk is the mate of the kiosk above, and is just as
functional and delightful. The front of the kiosk also has an information window and a brochure holder that contains our Central Park Gardens brochure as well as flyers for various plant-related events. The back of the kiosk features a different metal silhouette that depicts sunflowers and vegetables in the Vegetable garden. This kiosk is also made of steel and has a natural rust finish. |
Bellapede by Faducci | |
This playful monarch caterpillar with many shoes is called
Bellapede, which comes from the French "belle à pied", or "beauty on foot", and this name was chosen through a naming contest. The artistic duo of Faducci created the piece out of sculpted, colored cement and it is meant to be a climbable, interactive installation. It features seven different pairs of shoes and socks as well as the signature "Faducci lips". The sculpture is located at the north end of the park next to the Vegetable Garden. |