Sensory Garden Dedication Party
On Thursday, May 29th, Central Park Gardens held an unveiling and
dedication party for our new Sensory Garden featuring fragrant herbs
and edibles planted in stone raised beds. A brief ceremony
recognized the volunteer effort to build the garden and the generous
donation from Marlene Sisemore and Gino Cortopassi that funded the
beautiful stonework. Garden partners, donors, dedicated
volunteers, and local dignitaries gathered to celebrate the
occasion. Many thank yous are in order for all those who helped
assemble this lovely new garden and helped put together this special

- Thank you to Marlene Sisemore and Gino Cortopassi for your donation to fund the construction of the stone raised beds
- Thank you to Elisa Maya Sepulveda and Acropetal Landscapes for designing and constructing the stone walls with such care
- Thank you to all the volunteers who helped plant, mulch, and build the drip irrigation system for this new garden
- Thank you to the City of Davis for supporting the project, and particularly to the parks staff for providing irrigation and soil on a tight timeline
- Thank you to Mejor Que Nada for providing wonderful Latin jazz for
the party
- Thank you to Randii MacNear from the Davis Farmers Market and the following farmers and market vendors for providing delicious local food for the event: East & West Gourmet Afghan Foods, Mt. Moriah Farm, Ahmad Farm, Sam Cabral Almonds, Fiddler's Green Farm, Pacific Star Gardens, Rancho Cortez, and Village Bakery
- Thank you to the Davis Food Co-op for donating wine and the South Davis Nugget Market for donating cheese
- Thank you to Patricia Carpenter for donating beautiful flower
- Thank you to the Central Park Gardens Steering Committee for creatively pulling this party together on a shoestring!
- Last but not least, thank you to Heather Caswell, owner of The
Wardrobe, for making an on-the-spot donation to complete the funding
for our new mosaic sculpture for the Rose and Flower Garden!