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United Nations Day: Celebrating on October 22-24, 2020

Celebrating the 75th Anniversary

Join the Sacramento and Davis UNA chapters as they present a collaborative program to commemmorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations on Thursday, October 22 at 6 p.m. The event will feature a recently created documentary detailing the significant contributions made toward the creation of the United Nations by David Lubin of Sacramento, followed by a live Q&A with Morton Satin, the world’s foremost expert on Lubin. The City of Davis UN Day proclamation will be read and an urgent appeal will be made for donations to the annual UNICEF campaign under auspices of UNA Davis.” Register online at
Details about the UNICEF campaign:
Checks made out to UNICEF may also be mailed to Verena Borton, 101 E.7th St., Davis, CA 95616. They will be promptly deposited at FNB.
For specific information regarding virtual deposits, please contact
Additionally you are invited to a free virtual United Nations Day program via GEOS on October 23 at 9 a.m. UNA-USA will present this program through the free Global Engagement Online Series (GEOS) to reflect on the 75 years since the UN’s creation in 1945, to celebrate the accomplishments of the present and to look forward to progress toward a better and brighter future for everyone, everywhere. Featured speakers include Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization’s Head of Emerging Diseases Unit and Covid-19 Technical Lead, Jayathma Wickramanayake, UN Secretary General’s Envoy on Youth, Rachel Pittman, Executive Director of UNA-USA and Paula Boland, chairperson of UNA-USA National Council. Please register here:
On Saturday, October 24, our East Bay sister chapter will present a free UN Day program honoring Rep. Barbara Lee and Steph & Ayesha Curry’s Eat. Learn. PlayFoundation:
Our 15th annual United Nations Day celebrations and Global Citizen Awards will be virtual this year:  October 24, 4:00-5:30 PM. 
Honoring Global Citizens for Outstanding Achievements 
 Representative Barbara Lee
Highly recognized for leadership to support peace, and to combat poverty, hunger, injustices and inequalities, HIV/AIDS and global health.  Rep Lee has been the USA's Congressional representative to the UN General Assembly four times.
Steph & Ayesha Curry's Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation
Founded by three-time NBA champion and two-time MVP, Stephen Curry, and entrepreneur, host, and The New York Times bestselling author, Ayesha Curry, the Foundation supports the needs of East Bay children and families most affected by the current pandemic, while seeking to unleash the potential of every child.
This is a free, online event. Donations welcome.
Saturday October 24, 4:00-5:30PM

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