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2018 DCA Annual Fall Potluck and Membership Meeting

Please join us on November 3, 2018 for our annual Fall Potluck, Membership Meeting, Election for Officers and Tasting Contest! Everyone is welcome!

We will present nominated officers, accept nominations from the floor and vote for all the officers.
Thanks to all who volunteer! DCA thrives thanks to the generous contributions of its members.

When: Saturday November 3, 2018 from 5– 7:30 PM
Where: Stonegate Country Club, 919 Lake Blvd, Davis
Bring: Your favorite potluck food to share. Extra is always welcome!

Enter your favorite dish in our Tasting Contest! Three prizes awarded!
(bring a separate portion or a separate dish if desired).
DCA will provide rice, drinks, dishes and eating utensils.

Please send your nominations and RSVP to

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.