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Instruments the first day

Students should bring their instruments the first day of school.

Our musicians signed up for band to play so please make sure everyone (7th, 8th/9th, and Jazz band members) brings their instruments on the first day of school so we can start right away; it is never to early to shake off those summer cobwebs and start getting your "chops" back.  School loan instruments will be distributed over the first two weeks so please make sure to have your personal instrument at school during this time even if you will be eventually using a school instrument in class.  We will not have practice journals so there is no problem leaving the instrument locked up in the music lockers overnight during this time and remember that the only instruments the junior high schools own are larger instruments like the tenor and baritone sax, bassoon, trombone, baritone and tuba.  Even those are limited in number and I will do my best to make sure everyone who plays one of these has an instrument to play.  Percussionist will only need to bring sticks, not their drums.
 Lockers for the daily storage of instruments will be assigned during orientation for the 7th graders and on the first day for everyone else

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.