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Spiders At Davis

Andrew Smith shares a story of spiders in Davis.

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A Poem About Davis

Ophelia Hsia shares a poem about Davis.

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The Old Willow Tree

Catherine Choi tells a story about an old willow tree.

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Baseball and Soccer

Adrian Sanchez shares how much he loves baseball, soccer, and basketball.

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Sithmi Jayasundara shares how she came to Davis.

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Jake Goidell tells a story about wild turkeys in Davis.

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The Bat

Julia Jia tells a story about bats in Davis.

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Brooke Doten shares a bicycling story.

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Growing up in Davis

Ting Ting P. shares a humorous story from early childhood.

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Yuhan Kim shares a poem about Davis.

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Me With My Mom

Mandolin Nguyen shares an experience at central park.

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True Story!

Jerry Guo tells a story about downed tree blocking traffic.

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Ms. Foerster

Charlotte Downes-Toney tells us about a great teacher.

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My Fish

Harry B. tells us about his pet fish.

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The Amazing Day

Mya Kajley shares an amazing day in Davis.

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