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The Amazing Day

Mya Kajley shares an amazing day in Davis.

Submitted by Mya Kajley; 2nd grade 10/08
This entry relates to the past.
Categories: Unforgettable experiences, favorite places.

Our class had permission to go to the carousel that is at the Farmer’s Market. I also had two birthdays to go to the same day. They were later. It was really fun at the Farmer’s Market carousel. I went on the carousel about five times because it was really fun. There were also three play structures at the Farmer’s Market. The first birthday I went to was at an indoor swimming pool and on the building it said Splash and Play. There was a boat that most were on. There were two boats. It was really fun. The second birthday I ate a cupcake and some ice cream. After I went to the carousel and the two birthdays I was very tired. So I went to sleep on the drive home.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.