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Notes on ONDNA Transparency

A list of items


In July, 2010, the architect of a remodel project at 530 E Street began to prepare to present materials on that project to a formal and public meeting of the ONDNA. ONDNA officials responded by electing not to hold a public meeting.

Instead, in early August a three person subcommittee composed of board members was constituted a "design review" body and assessed the proposal as depicted on the one sheet preliminary depiction the architect had supplied as an email attachment.

Subsequently, on August 19, the schematic sheet was circulated with a request for design reactions to the ONDNA Board and a short email list of "Friends" of the ONDA (a private list devised by a member of the ONDNA Board). Several and varied comments were elicited.

An ONDA officer then emailed the architect a ONDA design response on August 23, 2010.


The ONDNA Board met without public notice on August 16th. It made no known records of the actions it took at that meeting.


Without public announcement, the ONDA Board decided not to hold the regular fourth Thursday meeting in August, which would have been on August 26.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.