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Old North Davis History
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1.6a. ONDNA
Year 12: '13-14 - Disarray, Year One
August 12. Doorstep dropped half-sheet agenda for August 15 meeting
1.1. How OND Began
1.2. 1999 OND Book
1.3. Erratic History
1.4. Taming 5th St.
1.5. Resurgent OND
1.6a. ONDNA
Formation Year-- '01-02: Founding Events
ONDNA Bylaws
Year 1: '02-03 - Cross Pres
Year 2: '03-04 - Willson Pres
Year 3: '04-05 - Winterhalder Pres, lst Year
Year 4: '05-06 - Winterhalder Pres, 2nd Year
Year 5: '06-07 - Gerety Pres, 1st Year
Year 6: '07-08 - Gerety Pres, 2nd Year
Year 7: '08-09 - Dingemans Pres, 1st Year
Year 8: '09-10 - Dingemans Pres, 2nd Year
Year 9: '10-11 - Tracy Pres, lst Year
Year 10: '11-12 - Tracy Pres, 2nd Year
Year 11: '12-13 - Tracy Pres, 3rd Year
Year 12: '13-14 - Disarray, Year One
June 13. "ONDNA" Representative Advocates ON Parking Changes at SPAC meeting
September 27. "ONDNA" Website Contains Only Long Outdated Materials
August 12. Doorstep dropped half-sheet agenda for August 15 meeting
Year 13: '14-'15 - Disarray, Year Two
Year 14: '15-'16 - Disarray, Year Three
Year 15: '16-'17 - Underwood Pres, lst Year
Year 16: '17-'18 - Underwood Pres, 2nd Year
Year 17: '18-'19 - Underwood Pres, 3rd Year
Year 18: '19-'20 - xxxx Pres, x Year
Year 19: '20-'21 - Meyer Pres, x Year
Year 20: '21 - '22 - xxxxxx Pre, x Year
1.6b. NextDoor
1.7. More Area-wide
2. 1. B-500s
2. 2. B-600s
2. 3. C-500s
2. 4. C-600s
2. 5. D-500s
2. 6. D-600s
2. 7. E-500s
2. 8. E-600s
2. 9. F-500s
2.10. F-600s
2.11. G-500s
2.12. G-600s
2.13. 5th
2.14. 6th
2.15. 7th
3. Proximate Entities
Document Actions
August 12. Doorstep dropped half-sheet agenda for August 15 meeting
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