February 23 (a Sunday). Post-City Hall Meeting in a Private Location
The day following the February 22 City Hall Meeting the “ONDNA” convened a meeting publically announced only behind the registration wall on NextDoor. That is, the meeting notice was only a matter of hours--and on a private, password protected website. In addition the meeting was held in a home (that of the dominant “ONDNAer”) rather than in a neutral public setting. The title of the NextDoor notice contains a noteworthy distinction between a “Board” and “Neighbors.” The absence of concept of “members” is also interesting. An “ONDNA” document on that meeting was posted behind the NextDoor registration wall on February 25. The URL is: https://oldnorthdavis.nextdoor.com/news_feed/?post=3847978
![February 23 (a Sunday). Post-City Hall Meeting in a Private Location February 23 (a Sunday). Post-City Hall Meeting in a Private Location](http://groups.dcn.org/ondh/the-old-north-davis-neighborhood-association/yr-12-13-14-xxx-pres-yr-x/Feb23grap.png/image_preview)