This 2013-14 Narrative Ends For Now and With a Note on Historical Context
At this point, we have left the realm of history--which is what this website is about--and entered contemporary and on-going events. So, I am stopping this narrative until the time there is more history to relate. As a history website, it is appropriate to conclude with the suggestion that the story we see above did not suddenly begin in June of 2013. Instead, the essentials of this year's narrative extend back several years and I have reported some parts of that longer story in the folders on the earlier ONDNA years. Let me point, in particular, to suggestions I addressed to the then recently elected new ONDNA president and vice president in August of 2010. Click this heading to read them or follow this URL to go to them: . (By the way, I got no response to these suggestions for many months and, when I asked, the president told me he simply disagreed with what I said.)
![This 2013-14 Narrative Ends For Now and With a Note on Historical Context This 2013-14 Narrative Ends For Now and With a Note on Historical Context](