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Announcements + No General Meeting

Hello Red Cross!


We just wanted to remind everyone that there is no general meeting

this Thursday (December 4th). However, we still have some events coming up!

1) The Hero's Luncheon is happening this Thursday. If you would still like to volunteer at this event, please e-mail Ryann at


2) Giftwrapping is happening this Sunday. If you are interested, please e-mail Jennifer at



We will be passing out t-shirts/sweat shirts

at the first general meeting of winter quarter.


Some time before next quarter, we will also send out our record of how many volunteer hours you've done. That information should also be up on our club website

in the middle or end of December.


Our club website is:



Other than that, please look out for an e-mail regarding winter quarter meeting locations + times. We wish you a very early happy new year and the best of luck of finals! :)


- Your Red Cross Officers


This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.