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Palestine Speaker Series to Begin January 2009

A series of educational events are scheduled January-June 2009

Sacramento Area Peace Action

Palestine Speaker Series 2009

January 20:  History

February 17:  Zionism

March 17:  Environmental Issues

April 21: Current Events

May 19:  Divestment

June 16:  Two Sacramentan's Impressions

All events noted above will be held on the 3rd Tuesday at 7pm at 909 12th St. Sacramento

The film Palestine Blues will be screened

January 27, 2009, at 7pm, 909 12th St.

Palestine Blues follows the repercussions of the Israeli Security Wall and Settlement expansion in the engulfed/annexed Palestinian farming communities of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Instead of focusing on the Wall as an object, Palestine Blues examines the grassroots resistance movement that has sprung up against it
