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Local Peace and Justice Groups

Central America Action Committee (CAAC)
CAAC works for social, political, and economic justice in Central America and in U.S. policies affecting that region.  Regular activities include a newsletter and monthly video nights. Contact: 916-457-5018;  P.O. Box 162998, Sacramento CA 95816

CODEPINK is an international, women-initiated, grassroots peace and social justice movement working to end the war in Iraq, stop new wars, and redirect our resources into healthcare, education and other life-affirming activities.  CODEPINK rejects the Bush administration's fear-based politics that justify violence. Instead, CODEPINK calls for policies based on compassion, kindness and a commitment to international law. Local contact:; for Davis CodePink: 530-756-1900;  (National website: www.

Freedom Bound Center
The Freedom Bound Center is a non profit organization that works with youth in the Sacramento Valley promoting youth health advocacy, social justice and cultural activism.  Our mission is to promote democratic participation, empower economically and socially disadvantaged communities, and improve the health of at-risk communities by providing theoretical education and hands-on organizing experience to community activists, especially young people of color.  Contact: 916-736-9843, 2010 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento 

Grandmothers for Peace International
Grandmothers for Peace is an all-volunteer organization with the ultimate goal of a peaceful world for future generations. One does not have to be a biological grandmother to join, nor a certain age! There is a men's Auxiliary. Local contact: Lorraine Krofchok, Director, 916-685-1130;   (National website: 

Marxist School of Sacramento
The Marxists School provides classes, speakers, discussion groups on social change theories and activism. Contact: 916-799-1354.

National Council of Arab Americans
The National Council of Arab Americans (NCA) aims to be a unifying framework for the Arab-American community across gender, racial, religious and socio-economic backgrounds through multi-level political empowerment, chapter-based grassroots democratic mobilization and accountability, and need-based service programs. Contact: National Council of Arab Americans - Sacramento Chapter - P.O. Box 163681, Sacramento, California 95816

Peace Arts Xchange (PAX)  
Peace Arts Xchange is a group of artists and supporters who work in music, visual, poetry, theatre, and dance media.  We exchange ideas and engage in specific projects to further understanding in our communities and the world on issues of peace and justice.  PAX uses artistic expression to challenge assumptions about the utility of violence, and to provoke questions about the sources of oppression in the world. Contact: 916-393-7676. 

Physicians for Social Responsibility
PSR is the U.S. affiliate of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW). PSR focuses on issues involving the threat of nuclear weapons and other warfare, violence prevention (especially gun violence), environmental protection, and universal health care. PSR has a speakers bureau.  Meetings occur the 2nd Wednesday night of each month (except in December) at 6:30 pm at UC Davis Medical Center in the Davis Tower Director's Conference Rm, 2315 Stockton Boulevard, Sac.  All are welcome to attend.  Contacts: 916-955-6333,

Sacramento for Democracy
Sacramento for Democracy is a grassroots organization dedicated to the advancement of progressive political and social changes -- like health care for all; investment in children; equal rights under law; fiscal responsibility; and peace and security achieved through truly equitable international cooperation. We must promote an America where candidates and office holders tell the truth about policy choices and stand up for what they believe. The era when politicians equivocate about matters as fundamental as war and peace must end.  Contact:   (Updated 11-2006)

Students for Justice in Palestine
Students for Justice in Palestine is a coalition of students, faculty, staff and community that work together to spread awareness on issues related to the Palestinian struggle for self-determination, implement divestment campaigns and all the while celebrating the culture and history of the Palestinian Arab people. Contact: SJP-Davis: SJP Sacramento including CSUS and City College:

Therapists For Social Responsibility
We are a group of therapists whose vision is to create connection and community as we work on local and global social actions. We invite speakers and meet for discussions leading to action on subjects such as how therapists can address the effects on families of current policies. TSR is committed to supporting only those leaders who accord with our 8 core principles and values which include peaceful negotiation, integrity, social justice and sustainability. Contact: Shauna Smith, MSW, MFT, 916-447-5706;  

Veterans For Peace Chapter 87
Veterans for Peace, Inc. (VFP) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) educational and humanitarian organization dedicated to the abolishment of war. VFP Chapter 87, Sacramento, was founded in August 2002. (National website:

Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) was founded in 1915. With sections in 37 countries, WILPF stands for equality of all people in a world free of racism, sexism and homophobia, building peace through world disarmament, and changing government priorities to meet human needs.  The national priorities of U.S. WILPF for 2005-2008 are “Women Challenge US Policy: Building Peace on Justice in the Middle East ” and  “Save the Water: fighting for clean and affordable water for all.”   Sacramento Valley Branch: Ellen Schwartz , tel. 916-369-5510 or  (National website: