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Passport Requirements

Have a passport for field trips.

Message from Steve Williams (HS Booster Co-President) for 9th grade parents

Information for incoming 10th graders to Davis Senior High School

We welcome you to the Davis High School Band Family!

Next year your son or daughter will enter Davis High School and, hopefully, become part of the DHS Band Family. An exceptional musical education, memorable trips and concerts, and enduring friendships await each student who chooses to participate in the nationally-acclaimed DHS Bands program - which includes the Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band and Pep Band.

If you are the parent of a 9th grade band student, you are cordially invited to attend the Thursday, May 10th meeting of the DHS Band Boosters. You will meet current Band parents who will explain how you - as a member of the Band Boosters - can help your talented student musician more fully enjoy his or her years as a DHS band student.

As the parent of a DHS band student, you are automatically a member of the DHS Band Boosters. The Band Boosters' volunteer coordinators conduct fundraisers, organize Band trips and events, and support the numerous band concerts conducted each year. Whether you serve as an occasional volunteer or take a more active role as an officer or activity coordinator, your child will benefit from your participation in the Band Boosters.

The one-hour meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Band Practice Room adjacent to the Performing Arts Center at Davis High School. Cookies and punch will be provided by this year's officers and activity coordinators. Please contact Steve Williams at 757-2223 ( ), Peter Matlock at 792-7122 ( ) or Laurel Fagan at 758-9056 ( ) if you have any questions.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.