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High School (Community Park) Tennis Court Schedule


Current teams:


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SATA and USTA Leagues

Teams are divided up by skill level and there are approximately 8-15 players on each team. Each team plays once a week through the season. Matches are played in Davis at the High School courts or at courts around Sacramento located within a 40-mile radius from the State Capitol. After the matches, the home team traditionally prepares a light meal or snacks for both teams. Team members pay a modest fee for tennis balls and team fees.

If you are not rated and unsure of your level of play, the DTC coordinators can help you assess a starting point. Ratings are adjusted annually and as your rating improves, you can advance to higher levels of play.

There are slight differences between the two organizations and they offer different leagues.  USTA leagues have an additional personal membership requirement.  If you are interested in playing on the Davis Tennis team, contact the interclub coordinator or the team captain for additional information.

More information:

SATA - Sacramento Area Tennis Association

TopDog - SATA's Team and Ratings web site

USTA Norcal - United States Tennis Association Northern California


Interclub Coordinator:

If you have any questions about Interclub activities or issues, please contact:



The nice weather during the summer months will bring more recreational players out to the high school courts. Ideally, players should use side entrances, or wait until a change-over before entering the courts.  However, not all members of the public understand tennis court etiquette and the burden is upon us as members of the DTC to deal with the general public in a courteous fashion.

  • Please remember to be polite when asking the public to use the side entrances.
  • Please remember that you are never allowed to reserve empty courts just because you do not want anyone playing next to you.
  • Any empty court is open to the public, unless it will be used shortly for another interclub match.  If a court opens up next to you, and you do not want the public playing next to you, you should move your game.

To discourage interruptions during your interclub matches, some captains have found it useful to post the temporary "do not enter - match in progress" signs on the affected court gates.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.