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Guidelines for proper use of the unmoderated class listservers.

[DHS parents and guardians, including those of concurrently enrolled students, may participate by signing up for a class listserver.]

An unmoderated listserver like ours respects subscribers' freedom of speech; it also relies on subscribers' good sense and common courtesy in order to build a thriving community that everyone will want to participate in. Here are a few netiquette tips:

  1. During the transition period from junior high to Davis High, for topics specific to Emerson, Harper, or Holmes, please use the listservers administered by your jr. high in order to minimize confusion to subscribers from a different school.
  2. This is a semi-public forum. Avoid using actual names when discussing student or teacher topics. The listserver is appropriate for general questions, not questions that involve your student's privacy. Depending on how you set up your email software, the sender's name and/or email address will be attached to your message. Questions for the counselor sent via the listserver administrator will be forwarded to the counselor anonymously.
  3. Address problems about individual teachers with your student's counselor or administrator, NOT through this listserver. It's only fair to give teachers a chance to present their viewpoints.
  4. It is courteous NOT to forward email to non-subscribers unless you have the permission from the original sender.
  5. Do not disclose subscribers' email address to non-subscribers.
  6. Do not use this listserver for solicitations.
  7. Stay on topic.  The purposes of the class listservers are:
    * to promote parent to parent communication on class specific issues, activities and concerns,
    * to facilitate Q&A with DHS counselors
    * to disseminate information from DHS when requested.
  8. Delete irrelevant original message when replying.
  9. Use a distinct and succinct SUBJECT title.
  10. Practice internet safety. Do not send private information to the listserver.