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Davis Sunrise Rotary builds new Meadow path
Important Relay Info
Summer Abroad in Asia (not through the Red Cross)
Summer Abroad in Asia (not through the Red Cross)
Relay For Life
Kidd Family to Davis
Ida Sue Kidd relates a story about her family in Davis.
The Marketplace
Patrick shares a story about the Davis Marketplace.
Farmer’s Market
Natalie share a story about the Farmer’s Market.
Squirrels In Davis
Leo Goldstein shares a story about all the funny quirks of Davis Squirrels.
Piggy Park
Kim Z. tells a story about a park that is named after a pig.
The Marketplace
John Conant shares a poem about the Davis Marketplace.
Buying a House
Maya V. shares a story about waking up some toddlers.
My Dog Chewed Down a Tree
Ryan Muller tells a story about his dog chewing down a tree.
The biggest crash ever
Sawyer Norton relates a bike crash.
Davis is Great
William F. shares a song about Davis.
Henry M. shares a story about a kitten that tried to run for city council.