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Meeting this Thursday 4/23
Hey everyone, This is just a reminder that there will be a meeting tomorrow, April 23, 2009, at 6:10pm in Olson 6. Learn about awesome upcoming volunteer events at the meeting! Hope to see you guys there, Red Cross Club officers
Davis Pioneer Profiled in the Davis Enterprise
In his column of April 15, 2009, Rich Rifkin profiles Davis pioneer Matthew Clancy, builder of what is now known as "The Clancy House" at the southwest corner of Second and C streets.
ARC - Picnic Day (April 18th)
Upcoming Blood Drive: July 6th & Annual Meeting June 18th
Farmer's Market Saturday
Coming To Davis In 1919
A drama filled story about cars, tires and coming to Davis.
A Dark Experience
Norman E. Riley has photographed many Davis landmarks, but his early experiences developing photos proved frustrating.
Music In My Life in Davis
Louise Oehler relates the impact music had in the lives of her family.
Erick Lorenz shares a story about the inspirational power of Amen.
Join us for our Open House and Plant Sale
Caterpillar sculpture coming soon! Help give it a name!
Academic Lecture Series at UCD
See UC Davis for the time and place
Central Park Gardens Open House and Plant Sale!
This is an important announcement.
Area League Tournament Updates