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Board Seeks Improvements in the Old North "N" Parking District (posted 10-7-18)

Board Seeks Improvements in the Old North "N" Parking District (posted 10-7-18)

In a letter to Davis City Manager Mike Webb dated October 5, 2018, President Marilyn Underwood outlines ONDNA suggestions for ways in which the Old North "N" parking district might be improved. Her letter is reproduced in the right hand-portion of this news item.

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Minutes of the ONDNA Annual Meeting, June 10, 2018 (29 July 18)

Minutes of the ONDNA Annual Meeting, June 10, 2018 (29 July 18)

A small-scale version of the Minutes appear below and the official document is in the Minutes folder in the left-hand side-bar.

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Minutes of the May 17, 2018 Board Meeting (29 July 18)

Minutes of the May 17, 2018 Board Meeting (29 July 18)

The May 17 minutes are published in small-scale form here and in full-scale and official form in the Minutes folder in the lefthand sidebar.

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ONDNA Board Seeks To Reduce Mass of Proposed 515 G Building (23 July 18)

ONDNA Board Seeks To Reduce Mass of Proposed 515 G Building (23 July 18)

Participants in the ONDNA Board meeting of July 19 felt the new building proposed for 515 G was too massive and this was in part due to existing parking requirements.

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515 G St. Proposed for Demolition & Replacment

515 G St. Proposed for Demolition & Replacment

At the ONDNA Board meeting on July 19, the Board and members will consider renderings for a new building at 515 G Street. Ted DeFazio of Ellington Properties has distributed three drawings of the project to the Board with the letter reproduced in this news item.

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Flyer For Annual Meeting Distributed to Old North Doors

Flyer For Annual Meeting Distributed to Old North Doors

Thursday afternoon, June 7th, Old North Davis Neighborhood Association Board Members distributed a flyer to doors to Old North homes inviting residents and others to the Annual Meeting of the ONDNA.

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DCA Scholarship Recipients

DCA Scholarship Recipients

The Davis Chinese Association honored their 2018 Scholarship Recipients on May 19, 2018 at International House in Davis

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2017 DCA Scholarship Recipients

2017 DCA Scholarship Recipients

Congratulations to our Davis Chinese Association 2017 Scholarship Recipients!

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New Old North Street Signs Installed

New Old North Street Signs Installed

Thursday, January 25th, a City of Davis Public Works crew installed the "new style" Old North street signs

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