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History-on-the-fly, Quote #1

History-on-the-fly, Quote #1

This is the first of a series of brief quotes from contemporary observers of Davis to which future historians might want especially to attend.

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Monthly Varsity Football Meetings

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Area League #3 Tournament Results

Area League #3 Tournament Results

Results from the NCVA Area League's Third Tournament

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Power League #3 Tournament Results

Results of the NCVA Power League's Third Tournament

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Davisville 1868, new exhibit at the Hattie Weber Museum of Davis and on this Site

Davisville 1868, new exhibit at the Hattie Weber Museum of Davis and on this Site

Over the twelve months of 2008, The Hattie Weber Museum of Davis is hosting a four part exhibit titled "Davisville 1868: Twelve Months in Davis' Gestation." The first part is on the months of January through April of 1868 as these relate to the founding of Davis and the exhibit is at the museum these same months of 2008.

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Lead Author of the 1961 "Davis Core Area Plan" Dies

Lead Author of the 1961 "Davis Core Area Plan" Dies

In the early 1960s, Lawrence Livingston and his firm devised a plan for the high-rise rebuilding of central Davis that was embraced by Davisites but then rejected in the wake of the "revolution of '72." To his credit, Mr. Livingston later "saw the light" and renounced his own early work such as done in Davis in a famous essay published in 1981 titled "Confessions of a Planner."

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New Officers for the club was announced

Congratulations to the new officers for the end of this quarter (training and transitioning) and for the 2008-2009 school year!

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Our first meeting of Spring Quarter

Welcome back from Spring break. Hope all of you had a nice and relaxing break. AND our club meeting is this coming Thursday at 6:10pm in Wellman 226. See you there.

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Officer Election Ballot Reminder

Elections for the club officers for the end of this quarter and all of next year are happening now! Please vote for your favorite officers for next year. Don't hesitate and act now. The ballot is closed by Thursday, April 3rd at 12:00pm.

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