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Beneficial Insect Habitat Border

watercolor map beneficial insect


The beneficial insect habitat border includes a variety of plants that provide food and shelter for beneficial insects.  Attracting beneficial insects is an important element of least toxic pest control, and predatory insects can help control insect pest outbreaks in the neighboring vegetable garden. Bees are also important beneficial insects that help pollinate garden flowers so fruits can form.

Flowers from buckwheat (Eriogonum sp.) and members of the carrot and daisy families are nectar and pollen-rich food sources that attract beneficial insects. Deergrass is a California native bunchgrass that provides winter shelter for ladybird beetles.


Beneficial Insect Habitat plantings
beneficial insect new 1
Goldenrod and asters provide nectar and pollen for a variety
of insects in the summer and fall.

This site provided with the assistance of the Davis Community Network.