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Class of 2017 Parent Listserver

This listserver is for parents and guardians of the Incoming Class of 2017 to promote parent to parent communication on class-specific issues, activities and concerns. It can also be used to facilitate Q&A with DHS counselors and to disseminate information from DHS when requested.

Please note that in the beginning of each school year all class of 2017 Listserver subscribers will automatically be subscribed to the PTA Listserver.  After the time period, you will need to subscribe separately to both.  You may unsubscribe at any time, however this valuable listserver will provide you with school-wide information, whereas the class-level listservers are set up for parent to parent communication, class specific information and counselor questions.  

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About DHS2017 Subscription to this unmoderated listserver requires email address confirmation. Those who have been identified as unrelated to this class may be removed without notice. The list of subscribers can be viewed by the list administrators but not the subscribers. Only subscribed members can post and receive messages.

Disclaimer: Except for email sent by the DHS PTA, message contents are entirely the ideas, opinions, and responsibility of the senders, not the PTA's.
How to subscribe 1. Fill in the form
2. Read the important note below, then click "Subscribe"
3. To complete the subscription, you MUST send back the confirmation email.

Your name:
Email address [=REPLY-TO]:
Name of your student in the class of 2017
Your student's current Jr. High
Phone (optional):

Important Note: An email requesting confirmation of your email address will be sent to you to prevent others from subscribing you without your knowledge. When you receive it, simply send it back by using your Reply and Send commands without altering any part of the email. You can start using this listserver when you receive notification of completed subscription.

How to use

Only subscribed members of this list can post and receive messages.
To post a message to all the members, send email to

When you use Reply All to respond to an email, all subscribers on the list will receive your response.

For questions, please contact

Archives: Q&A between parents and counselors are posted on the PTA website. This listserver itself doesn't archive.

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This listserver is generously hosted by the Davis Community Network using Mailman